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Transparency could be seen as the newest buzzword, the latest trend, but it is such an important concept behind any company.
People will always have questions about a product with a higher price point, so we want to take this opportunity to offer some background as we always pride ourselves on being straightforward and honest. The motivation is so you, as a consumer, can make an informed decision, but do keep in mind that Project Solo is not for everyone.
Our pricing is a reflection of the entire process involved in producing the garment you see today and it is important to understand that our garments are made to last. They are a classic design and will be wearable for years to come. The idea of purchasing something that will last is not a new concept, but it has been forgotten over time. In today’s society, fast fashion has become the way of the garment industry fueled by a throwaway mentality. Project Solo is the opposite and was created to remind you of a quality product, one that is durable and beautiful that you want to wear again and again, year after year. To create a garment that will endure the seasons requires high quality materials that we source from the finest textile mills from around the world, which in turn is more expensive.
We understand that not everyone is interested in evaluating their environmental footprint, so therefore may not see the benefit to these practices and this is one reason why Project Solo is not for everyone.
Project Solo creates unique and limited garments, 50 pieces per style. This is very important to consider as the less you produce, the more expensive it is. Other brands and companies are able to reduce their cost of manufacturing because of the high volume and quantities they produce. Project Solos’ vision is to continue our boutique offerings as we have no intention to compete with or become a big company.
Another important factor for Project Solo is where we make our garments, Los Angeles. The small boutique manufacturing house pays employees a liveable wage and provides a beautiful, clean and safe working environment which is reflected in our pricing. Everything produced will have an impact on the world, whether people or environment, and we never want the cost of clothing to be offset by those making the garments, whether financially or on their wellbeing. We happily pay more for our garments to be produced knowing that we are choosing ethics over profits.
The effect the current garment industry has on the planet, and those that inhabit it, is enormous. As a company we want to reduce our footprint and we hope that you take a moment to really consider these factors to make a conscious purchase not a mindless one. Take the time to read about our recycling program, our return policy, and then make the decision if you want to join us in this approach to consuming.
We are not saying we are perfect and that we won't make mistakes on this journey. We are ever-changing, always learning and appreciate feedback and suggestions. We will always brainstorm on how to be better and implement these ideas as we continue to create the finest garments for a special few.